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Cardinal Raphael Merry Del Val:

This is a new prayer, with Ecclesiastical approval, for the seeking of a miracle for the canonization of this cardinal.


Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, qui gloriam tuam manifestas per humilitatem, et exemplum integritatis religionis, per odium modernismi et per castigationem mortificationemque carnis servi tui Raphaelis Merry del Val, praesta, quaesumus, si conforme voluntati tuae sit, ut eum intercessione eius in terra glorifices per beneficium …. quod ferventer imploramus per Cor Sacratissimum pro gloria tua et gloria Matris Mariae doloris quam piissime diligebat. Amen.

Pater Noster. Ave Maria. Gloria Patri.


Almighty everlasting God, Who manifest Thy glory through the humility, example of integrity of religion through the hatred of the heresy of modernism and by the castigation and mortification of the flesh of Thy servant Raphael Merry Del Val, grant, we beseech Thee, if it be in conformity with Thy Will, that Thou may glorify him on earth through his intercession by the favor of … which we fervently implore through Thy Sacred Heart for Thy glory and the glory of Mary the Sorrowful Mother, whom he devoutly loved. Amen.

Our Father. Hail Mary. Glory be.

Printable prayer cards in Latin, English, Italian, and Castilian.

Note: Due to Father Ripperger’s busy schedule, he is not able to respond to any questions concerning Theology, Philosophy, current affairs within the Church or matters of spiritual direction at this time. If you are trying to contact Fr. Ripperger to discuss the case of diabolic influence, go to Any emails sent to this address requesting his help are unable to be forwarded.

    • cover play_circle_filled

      01. Welcome Message

    • cover play_circle_filled

      01. Why Does God Allow Evil?
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

    • cover play_circle_filled

      02. Merit
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

    • cover play_circle_filled

      03. Diginity of the Priesthood
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

    • cover play_circle_filled

      04. Wounds of Original Sin Conference I - Ignorance
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

    • cover play_circle_filled

      05. Wounds of Original Sin Conference II - Malice
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

    • cover play_circle_filled

      06. Wounds of Original Sin Conference III - Weakness
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

    • cover play_circle_filled

      07. Wounds of Original Sin Conference IV - Concupiscence
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

    • cover play_circle_filled

      08. How to Become Holy - Conference 1 What is Holiness?
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

    • cover play_circle_filled

      09. How to Become Holy - Conference 2 The Virtues
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

    • cover play_circle_filled

      10. How to Become Holy - Conference 3 Gifts of the Holy Spirit
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

    • cover play_circle_filled

      11. How to Become Holy - Conference 4 Fruits of the Holy Spirit
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

    • cover play_circle_filled

      12. How to Become Holy - Conference 5 Q & A
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

    • cover play_circle_filled

      13. Virtues in Trials - Conference 1 Faith in Trials
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

    • cover play_circle_filled

      14. Virtues in Trials - Conference 2 Hope and Charity in Trials
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

    • cover play_circle_filled

      15. Virtues in Trials - Conference 3 Moral Virtues in Trials
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

    • cover play_circle_filled

      16. Virtues in Trials - Conference 4 Fidelity to Grace in Trials
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

    • cover play_circle_filled

      17. Virtues in Trials - Conference 5 Q & A Trials
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

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