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Topics include:
Perfectionism 1, Perfectionism 2, The Virtue of Piety, The Mercy of God, Virtue of Mortification, Virtue of Mortification Q & A, How to Find the Mean in Virtue: Part I and Part II, Four Cardinal Virtues: Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance.

2018-2019 releases include: Rule of Life, Counsels on Tithing, Retarded Souls I and II, Intellectual Pride, Spiritual Sloth, Common Courtesy, Language and Sins against Language, Worthy Reception of the Holy Eucharist, Confidence in God.

2020 releases include: Attributes of the Church, Fear and Confusion, Synesis and Gnome, Podcast with US Grace Force, Ignorance, Media Fasting, and Predestination

2021 releases include: What is Truth? – Parts 1, 2 & 3, Vice of Singularity, Mother of Fair Love, Political Buzzwords, Oath against Modernism I, Oath against Modernism II, Catholic Buzzwords, State of the Spiritual Battlefield, Scrupulosity, and Why Remain Catholic

2022 releases include: Charity in a Time of Crisis, and Relation of Beauty to Devotion

2023 releases include: Lack of Clarity, Detraction, Sermon for Funeral Mass of Sarah Grant, Principle of Operation

2024 releases include: Fear of the Lord, Formation, Laziness, Marian Devotion, Modesty in Speech, Offense God is Taking, Preparation for Holy Communion, What to do When Sacraments are not Available

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Note: Due to Father Ripperger’s busy schedule, he is not able to respond to any questions concerning Theology, Philosophy, current affairs within the Church or matters of spiritual direction at this time. If you are trying to contact Fr. Ripperger to discuss the case of diabolic influence, go to Any emails sent to this address requesting his help are unable to be forwarded.

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