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N.B. The liturgical articles are devoted to a serious academic and intellectual discussion about the modern liturgical rituals, in light of the old rituals, and are not meant as a way of calling into question the legitimacy of the newer rituals. Rather, it is intended to help academic circles begin looking at the newer rituals objectively.

Additionally, there is no fee to download the texts hosted on this site, however prayers would be appreciated! If you do wish to offer a donation, please use the Paypal button on the homepage.


This article discussed the metaphysical impossibility of separation of Church and state.

The Spirituality of the Ancient Rite of Mass

A conference given to Keep the Faith on certain aspects of the ancient liturgy. This conference was also published as an article in two parts in The Latin Mass Summer and Fall editions of 2001. It is online under the title of The Spirituality of the Ancient Rite of Mass: Part I and Part II.

Modern Philosophy and the Liturgical Development

This article addresses the issue of how modern philosophical thought has influenced the the modern liturgical ritual. It was published in Christian Order in August of 2000.

Operative Points of View

This article addresses the historical intellectual causes of the psychology of neo-conservatives. It was originally published in Christian Order in March of 2001. Click here for the article in Portuguese. A shorter version of this article appeared in the Spring 2001 edition of The Latin Mass Magazine under the title Conservative vs. Traditional Catholicism: Distinctions with Philosophical Differences.

Examination of Conscience – Long

This is an examination of conscience which contains specific sins pertaining to the 6th and 9th commandments.

Examination of Conscience – Short

This is an examination of conscience which does not contain specific sins against the 6th and 9th commandments and may be suitable for use with those under 14.

Parentis aut in Loco Parentis: The Natural Law Basis of Home Schooling

Addresses the question whether one has a moral obligation to send one’s child to a Catholic school as well as discusses certain aspects of the natural law regarding children.

“Fetal” Tissue Research

This article addresses certain issues pertaining to fetal tissue research. This may be a good article to pass out in areas where legislation is being discussed or in institutions where the issue has arisen.

Pastoral Theology and the Philosophy of Man

This article addresses how various views of man affect one’s approach toward pastoral theology.

Christian Art and Culture

Discusses the impact of Christian art on culture.

Parental Roles and Leadership

This article discusses the relationship between parental roles and leadership within the family.

Modern Man’s Superiority Complex

An analysis of the genesis of the complex and why it is unfounded.

The Role of the Theological Virtue of Faith in Scriptural Interpretation

Summer 2006 (Vol. XXXI, no. 2) edition of Faith and Reason (Christendom Press). This article addresses the necessity to have Faith in order to scientifically interpret Scripture.

List of Virtues includes the 64 commonly named virtues along with their opposite vices.


The Relationship of Philosophy to Theology 11/24/98

This was a conference given at a priest study day in the Diocese of Lincoln on the necessity of a sound philosophical formation prior to seminarians studying theology.

Day of Recollection given 12/8/98 at Lincoln

Topics include Our Lady’s most intimate relationship to the Blessed Trinity, Our Lady’s Service to God and our devotion to the B.V.M.

Day of Recollection given 12/4/99 at Lincoln

Topics include detachment, self-knowledge and charity.

Spiritual Warfare:

Binding prayer is a prayer used to bind demons from some kind of activity.  It is recommended the commanded form of the binding prayer linked here is used on only those over which one has authority (such as a parent to child) or one’s immediate family.

Prayers to Break the Freemasonic Curse is a set of prayers for someone who has been involved in freemasonry or whose ancestors have been involved in freemasonry.

Prayer against Diabolic Oppression is a prayer that may be used when one suspects that there is a diabolic cause afflicting one’s exterior life.

Prayer of Consecration of One’s Exterior Goods to the BVM is a prayer that is very helpful in blocking diabolic oppression.

Note: Due to Father Ripperger’s busy schedule, he is not able to respond to any questions concerning Theology, Philosophy, current affairs within the Church or matters of spiritual direction at this time. If you are trying to contact Fr. Ripperger to discuss the case of diabolic influence, go to Any emails sent to this address requesting his help are unable to be forwarded.

    • cover play_circle_filled

      01. Welcome Message

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      01. Why Does God Allow Evil?
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

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      02. Merit
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

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      03. Diginity of the Priesthood
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

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      04. Wounds of Original Sin Conference I - Ignorance
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

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      05. Wounds of Original Sin Conference II - Malice
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

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      06. Wounds of Original Sin Conference III - Weakness
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

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      07. Wounds of Original Sin Conference IV - Concupiscence
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

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      08. How to Become Holy - Conference 1 What is Holiness?
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

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      09. How to Become Holy - Conference 2 The Virtues
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

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      10. How to Become Holy - Conference 3 Gifts of the Holy Spirit
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

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      11. How to Become Holy - Conference 4 Fruits of the Holy Spirit
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

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      12. How to Become Holy - Conference 5 Q & A
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

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      13. Virtues in Trials - Conference 1 Faith in Trials
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

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      14. Virtues in Trials - Conference 2 Hope and Charity in Trials
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

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      15. Virtues in Trials - Conference 3 Moral Virtues in Trials
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

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      16. Virtues in Trials - Conference 4 Fidelity to Grace in Trials
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

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      17. Virtues in Trials - Conference 5 Q & A Trials
      Fr. Chad Ripperger

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